Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

Northern Metropolitan Region

Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (12:45): (933) Today my question is for the Minister for Environment in the other place. As I mentioned in my members statement, I had the opportunity to attend Brunswick Kindergarten’s 100-year birthday celebration, where I got asked some really hard-hitting questions by some of our youngest Victorians. Among them was a little girl whose family collect their bottles and cans in an old washing basket in the backyard to take down to their local container deposit scheme. She told me that it is their favourite thing to do every Sunday afternoon – to go down to the reverse vending machine, tip out the cans and bottles and get her mum to hand them up to her while she stands on that upturned laundry basket depositing them for a little bit of extra pocket money. How good is that? It is little heroes like her that contribute to saving the environment and building a thriving circular economy while making a bit of pocket money in the process. My question today is for the Minister for Environment and courtesy of the parents of Brunswick Kindergarten: how many bottles and cans have been put through CDS in Brunswick LGA?