Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Constituency questions

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Constituency questions

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:42): (930) My constituency question today is for Minister Blandthorn in her capacity as Minister for Children. This round of the Building Blocks program delivers funding to upgrade and improve early learning spaces across more than 1200 kindergartens across Victoria. Applicants for this round of funding who were successful include numerous kindergartens in my region of the south-east, including Beaconsfield Kindergarten, Berwick Kindergarten, Selandra Kindergarten, Orana Kindergarten in Clyde North and the Rowville 3 Year Old Kindergarten. This $28 million round of funding builds on the more than $200 million delivered by the Building Blocks program since 2020. This Allan Labor government is helping to create better spaces for kids to learn and grow. Minister, how will kindergartens in the South-Eastern Metropolitan Region benefit from the recently announced Building Blocks grants?