Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Constituency questions

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region


South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Ann-Marie HERMANS (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:55): (941) My constituency question is to the Minister for Education, and it is on behalf of parents of Oatlands Primary School in Narre Warren North but also applies to other schools and parents. Will the minister please stop forcing the downsizing of popular successful schools with excellent student outcomes and instead learn from locals and school leaders why some schools are successful, large, highly respected and sought after by the local residents? As a parent, former teacher and school leader I recently observed the behaviour of the children at Oatlands Primary School, and I noted the enormous respect for teachers and the children’s attentiveness to their learning. I also observed the skilled students at work and how the core values of respect, kindness, effort, resilience and creativity were reinforced in this school. Students learn one of two languages for seven years. They have safe designated play areas for specific year levels. They have resiliency learning and teaching, including cooking classes for all students using the school’s herb and vegetable gardens. Is it typical for this government to reduce the size of successful schools to force parents to select schools they do not want for their children?