Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Members statements

Western Victoria Region Premier’s visit


Western Victoria Region Premier’s visit

Jacinta ERMACORA (Western Victoria) (09:55): I wish to express my appreciation to Premier Allan for her recent visit to the south-west. With the south-west emerging as a renewable energy powerhouse, the Premier started her visit by marking the completion of the Mortlake South wind farm. The Premier also visited South West Healthcare, and it was a delight to meet Casey and Angel, who have taken part in the healthy mums, healthy babies program, a support program for pregnant women and their babies during the pre- and postnatal period. I was then fortunate to host my first women’s pain round table with the Premier. I greatly appreciate the leadership of Premier Allan in bringing the voices of women forward. The women’s pain round tables are opening up previously taboo conversations about women’s health as well as opening up the floor for practical solutions. These conversations will feed into the Victorian inquiry into women’s pain, and I am sure it will result in better health outcomes for many women. It is fantastic to have a Premier in a position to shine a light on the substantive health challenges faced by many women, in particular regional women.