Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
Northern Victoria Region
Rikkie-Lee TYRRELL (Northern Victoria) (12:53): (940) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. For many years constituents who travel the Rushworth-Tatura Road have been faced with the dangers of a one-lane bridge that crosses over the Waranga Basin western channel. The crossing sits atop the outflow gates for the basin and has been in desperate need of replacement since the days of the Kirner government. So far the best solution the government has is to lower the speed to 30Â kilometres per hour. This lower speed limit has unfortunately resulted in a number of near misses and collisions, and sadly, the bridge was the location of a fatal motorcycle collision in 2023. The dangerous conditions of this crossing are often exacerbated by the heavy rain, fog and sometimes even smoke in the event of grassfires in the area. This crossing carries everything from cars to trucks, school buses and pushbikes from one side to the other multiple times a day. The pavement is uneven and broken, and the guardrails are flimsy. The question that my constituents want to ask is: will the minister commit to consulting with the local community on how this crossing can be improved for the safety of all road users?