Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Southern Metropolitan Region

Ryan BATCHELOR (Southern Metropolitan) (12:51): (938) My question is to the Minister for Multicultural Affairs. Obviously there is a very significant Jewish community in the Southern Metropolitan Region, who have expressed their concern to me about recent antisemitic attacks. What is the government doing to combat antisemitism? I just want to spend a couple of minutes to acknowledge the pretty violent and despicable attack on the office of Josh Burns, the federal member for Macnamara – a friend – and his staff, who woke up this morning to the sight of a break-in and an attempted arson attack and what can only be described as antisemitic graffiti spray-painted across the front of his office. The fire that was attempted to be lit would have also put in danger the lives of the residents who live in the apartment above his office. These are very, very concerning developments. I think everyone across the Parliament should express their concern about the escalation that this demonstrates and do what we can to de-escalate this sort of behaviour.