Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Duck hunting


Duck hunting

Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:13): (567) My question is for the minister representing the Minister for Outdoor Recreation. Minister, the compliance data released by the GMA following the 2024 duck season shows that the rate of offending by anti-hunting activists increased markedly while hunter compliance remained exemplary. We have activity totals for a number of wetlands patrols: in 2023, 216; in 2024, 511. Game and firearms licences checked: 1212 in 2023; in 2024, 1572. Hunter bags checked: 981 in 2023, 1213 in 2024. Hunters who had overbagged: in 2023, two; in 2024, none. Banning notices issued: in 2023, two; in 2024, 22. Minister, what actions is the government taking to address what can only be clearly a culture of law-breaking amongst the extremist activist community?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:14): I will pass Mr Bourman’s question on to Minister Dimopoulos.

Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:14): I thank the Attorney-General for forwarding that on. The illegal behaviour by the extremist activist community includes harassing families in their camps and driving vehicles dangerously at authorised officers. We have seen overnight how dangerous this level of escalation in illegal protest can be. What actions will the government take to protect the safety of licensed, law-abiding duck hunters and authorised officers who are doing their jobs?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:15): I thank Mr Bourman for his question, for raising these important matters and for his concern for the safety of a cohort of Victorians, which is obviously a priority of the government as well. I am sure Mr Dimopoulos will be able to provide some information in relation to that, plus some cross-portfolio information perhaps.