Thursday, 15 August 2024


Middle East conflict

Samantha RATNAM


Middle East conflict

Samantha RATNAM (Northern Metropolitan) (09:41): I move, by leave:

That this house:

(1) notes that since the Legislative Council’s resolution on 17 October 2023 concerning Israel and Gaza, which stated that this house ‘stands with Israel’, the following have occurred:

(a) Israel has killed or injured 130,000 Palestinians in Gaza, and at least 10,000 Palestinians are missing;

(b) in the last fortnight Israel has bombed two schools in Gaza which were housing displaced Palestinian civilians, killing over 100 people, including many children, in what is a clear violation of international humanitarian law;

(c) the bombings at the schools now account for 50 per cent of schools housing displaced Palestinians being bombed in Gaza;

(2) does not support the state of Israel’s continued invasion of Gaza;

(3) supports calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire; and

(4) calls on the Victorian government to advocate to the Australian government that it ends its support for the state of Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Leave refused.