Thursday, 15 August 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Police conduct

Katherine COPSEY, Jaclyn SYMES

Police conduct

Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (12:15): (624) My question is for the Attorney-General. Attorney, I wanted to ask about the matter of the death of Aguer Akech, who was 17 years old. Police use flawed ID evidence, as reported in the Guardian, in the investigation into his murder, and because of this flawed evidence-gathering the case against the accused collapsed. Attorney-General, what is the government doing to address the failings of police in this matter, noting not only the failed evidence-gathering, which led to a botched prosecution, but the deep feelings of unease that have been left in the South Sudanese community over what they feel is a racialised investigation of this matter?

Enver Erdogan: On a point of order, President, I think this might be a matter best addressed to the Minister for Police in the other place. I am happy to seek your clarification, President.

Katherine COPSEY: On the point of order, President, I am happy to redirect it. I thought it may be for the Attorney, given the impact it had on the prosecution in this matter.

The PRESIDENT: Does the minister wish to respond?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:16): As always, I will try and be helpful. It is actually your question that I have the issue with, not the minister you have put it to, because what you are seeking is a government minister, whether that is the Attorney or the police minister, to comment on a specific investigation – whether it is the investigation conducted by police or indeed the court processes. I think where I could be most helpful is probably regarding police oversight and my role in relation to the policy oversight and policy development of supporting IBAC’s role in police oversight. Indeed, as you would be aware, Ms Copsey, we are looking at those matters. We have conducted a comprehensive review – that was a recommendation that we have acquitted. We do know that all Victorians rightly expect a robust oversight system for police, and we expect the highest standard of integrity from our police officers. There is ongoing work. I am on the record saying that more needs to be done. As I said, the systemic review was to really understand the experience of complainants and victims, and those that want to see changes have certainly been heard. The work remains a priority for me. I have more work to do in bringing that to the Parliament, but we are in the process of targeted consultation now with the stakeholders as a result of the initial broader consultation, so that work is progressing, and I will have more to say in due course in relation to changes and indeed legislative proposals for the consideration of the Parliament.

Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (12:18): Yes, the Attorney has actually pre-empted in part my supplementary, so thank you for taking this, Attorney, and for your response so far. In this case, the police who have done the wrong thing have also been prevented from being identified due to the function of section 534 of the Children, Youth and Families Act, which was designed to protect young people in these matters but is actually inhibiting police oversight in this particular case. Attorney, you have spoken to the progress the government is making on police oversight generally. I am interested to know if that includes reviewing the operation of this section or progressing the creation of an independent police ombudsman.

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:19): I thank Ms Copsey for her question. It is not appropriate for me to produce the legislative response in an answer to a question in question time. But I can assure you that matters such as the one you have raised have all been fed into the consultation process, and when it comes to bringing the product, I will certainly give you advance notice of that.