Thursday, 15 August 2024

Members statements

Inga Peulich

Inga Peulich

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (09:50): ‘My darling girl’ is how her devoted husband Savo referred to his darling wife. It was a privilege, albeit a sad one, to attend the memorial service in Springvale of a life cut short too soon. Inga Peulich was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 15 October 1956 and died on 25 July 2024 after a traumatic and very painful illness. She married Savo in 1980. As Savo told me, at least she is no longer suffering. The light of her life, her son Paul, provided a moving tribute to his incredible mother. He said her favourite saying was ‘Failure is not falling down but staying down.’

Inga was a passionate proponent of democracy and free speech. Everything that looked like communism and socialism she was an opponent of, having fled communist Eastern Europe. Her family fled communist Yugoslavia when her father was blacklisted from working as a journalist for uncovering state corruption. Like many immigrants to Australia, Inga arrived with her family carrying two suitcases, speaking no English and without a penny, but that did not stop this family or Inga. She became a renowned educator, teaching VCE English and psychology, and was awarded an international teaching fellowship.

Inga’s parliamentary career spanned two periods: firstly, as the MP for Bentleigh from 1992 to 2002 and then as a member of this chamber as an MLC for South-Eastern Metropolitan Region from 2006 to 2018. Inga was an inspiration to many in the Liberal Party and was often described as an unstoppable force, and I can personally attest to her support for so many volunteers and political aspirants. She mentored many candidates, and many of them got into Parliament. She had time for everyone. I am not sure when she ever slept. She is now asleep in the place that was also so important to her as a proud woman of faith. Vale, Inga Peulich.