Thursday, 15 August 2024

Members statements

Ukrainian delegation

Ukrainian delegation

Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (10:11): A couple of weeks ago, along with colleagues in this place Mr Tarlamis and Mrs Hermans, I had the distinct honour of meeting with a visiting delegation from Ukraine. We met with Major Andrii Berezovskyi, a decorated war veteran and a former battalion commander who participated in the liberation of the Kherson region and defended Avdiivka and most recently Bakhmut. Major Berezovskyi has only just turned 29 but has already seen things which those of us in this place cannot even begin to comprehend. It was extremely moving to be able to meet with him and hear his stories and as well meet with the mother of one of his soldiers who is still on the front line in Ukraine. We also met with Pavlo Tsapiuk, who is the founder of logistics charity Military Post and the drone school Volyn Falcons, who has been assisting the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations, the AFUO, in their Defend Ukraine appeal to deliver military aid, including drones, to the front line. We also met with Kateryna Argyrou, who is the co-chair of the AFUO, who joined us and is facilitating the tour. It was a very moving experience for us all to be a part of, and as we approach another Independence Day for Ukraine, I am sure those of us in this place would all join together in hoping that before long Ukraine can be fully independent once again. Slava Ukraini.