Thursday, 15 August 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Written responses

Michael Galea, Samantha Ratnam, Georgie Crozier

Written responses

The PRESIDENT (12:39): Minister Tierney will get a response from the Minister for Environment for Mr Bourman, and Minister Symes answered Ms Bath’s question in her capacity in terms of that government forum. As far as the extra information she offered in the supplementary goes, that is outside the standing orders, because we do not want to set a precedent that a minister answers in her capacity and then we have a second one. So outside the standing orders, we appreciate that she will get Ms Bath the information.

Michael Galea: On a point of order, President, it has come to my attention that yesterday two members of the Legislative Assembly publicly rebroadcast the Legislative Council’s IPTV feed in open defiance of the broadcast terms and conditions of April this year and your ruling in May this year. I am concerned that this action by the member for Richmond and the member for Melbourne during yesterday’s third general business slot shows a lack of respect for Parliament and indeed a failure to meet the high standards of conduct that are expected of all of us. I seek your guidance as to whether this action was appropriate given, I believe, it is in direct defiance of your ruling.

Samantha Ratnam: On the point of order, President, just to clarify what the request that has been made of the Presiding Officer in this case is. My understanding is that a broadcast of the public stream is not contained within the restrictions. There are two different types of streams: one is a stream within the Parliament and then there is a public stream. My understanding is that the public stream was being broadcast, so just for clarity’s sake I think it is important to understand what we are asking the Presiding Officer to investigate and to make sure the proper request is being made based on accurate information, not misinformation.

Michael Galea: Further to the point of order, President, I am happy to provide evidence that it was in fact the IPTV feed.

The PRESIDENT: That would be helpful, Mr Galea. I will take this into consideration. There were clear guidelines reiterated after a previous incident, so I will get back to the house. The issue that I will have to consider is we are talking about two members of the Parliament that are not in this particular chamber, in terms of where my remit lies, but I will get back to the chamber on that point of order.

Georgie Crozier: On a point of order, President, I would seek your guidance in relation to the answer given by the minister to my supplementary question for question one. It was quite specific around the number of children under state care who are currently on bail, and I am wondering if you could review that answer to see if it could be reinstated, please.

The PRESIDENT: I am happy to review it, Ms Crozier. It is always difficult in real time. The minister’s answer was that it is not for her to comment on bail – that is the way I took it at the time. I will review it and get back to the house. I think we have got a bit of time today, so I will get back sometime this afternoon.