Thursday, 15 August 2024

Members statements

Transport Workers Union

Transport Workers Union

Adem SOMYUREK (Northern Metropolitan) (10:03): I was not surprised to read recently that state secretary of the Transport Workers Union Mem Suleyman was stood down amid multiple allegations of bullying and stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the TWU organisers social club fund. I was disgusted to read yesterday that halfwit Mem attempted to deflect by throwing mud at three respected TWU officials Dissio Markos, Peter Mancuso and Bill Baarini, who are true champions of workers rights. Unlike Suleyman, who treated the TWU as booty, they have no hidden agenda. Two of them are from the shop floor and the other is a well-respected barrister. While I commend the TWU Victoria branch for acting quickly and suspending Suleyman, having been around the Labor Party for many years I am suspicious as to why the TWU national office’s investigation does not cover allegations of theft levelled against Suleyman. Unlike Suleyman, Michael Kaine, the national secretary of the TWU, is a committed unionist first and foremost. I would urge Mr Kaine to forego the temptation to save Suleyman just because his family deliver valuable ALP national delegates from their stacked branches to buttress the TWU power base nationally. The Suleymans’ ALP numbers no doubt were pivotal in Mr Kaine supporting Suleyman’s ticket at the last election. This time backing Suleyman must not be an option for anybody. Mr Kaine either stands with the TWU members and their right to representation from fit and proper persons or he stands with the sleaze of Mem Suleyman and his family.