Thursday, 15 August 2024

Members statements




Jacinta ERMACORA (Western Victoria) (10:15): I too want to celebrate Sheepvention. Last week Minister Tierney and I attended Sheepvention in Hamilton, hosted by the Hamilton Pastoral and Agricultural Society. Sheepvention is a celebration of all things agricultural in the south-west region. It is a combination of a field day and an agricultural show, including a sheep show, farm dog championships, wool-handling competitions, junior sheep judging competitions, agricultural machinery, clothing, wool-crafting, health, education and farming organisations, agricultural support businesses and local food producers. At our stall we provided information on a seniors pack as well as our free TAFE, our fishing and fish measures, cost-of-living assistance and other information about supports the government is providing. The minister and I provide an estimated 2500 bags, useful information as well as multiple meetings and conversations across the two days. I want to thank all those who came by and had a chat about what is going on for them. Congratulations to the organisers, stallholders and businesses and the Hamilton community for hosting and participating in such a wonderful event.