Thursday, 15 August 2024




Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Housing, Minister for Water, Minister for Equality) (02:04): This evening there have been five matters raised in the adjournment. I note that there was some ambiguity around the matter raised by Ms Bath for, variously, the Minister for Agriculture and/or the Minister for Outdoor Recreation and that we will seek an answer from the relevant minister to the extent that it does not contemplate legislation or call for it. There was a matter that was raised for the Minister for Housing – me – by Ms Copsey in relation to the development of tower sites across Melbourne, and I will provide an answer to Ms Copsey in writing, if I may, because she is not here this evening. All other matters will be referred to the relevant ministers for responses.

Before we do finish for this evening, I just want to say very happy birthday to Anne Sargent, who has in fact spent the very best day of the year in her very favourite place. We owe you, Ms Sargent, a gift, because in fact you are our gift, and we are better for everything that you do and bring to this place. Many happy returns.