Thursday, 15 August 2024

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Southern Metropolitan Region

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (12:48): (1033) My matter is for the attention of the Premier, and the reason for that is this crosses a number of portfolios. I am particularly concerned about my electorate of Southern Metro, as I have had a number of Jewish community members and individuals come to me concerned and fearful about the ongoing demonstrations organised by pro-Gaza Palestinian groups and others. What we need finally from the Allan Labor government and from Jacinta Allan herself is unequivocal condemnation of the threats, the implied violence and the inherent antisemitism that is involved. We have seen the weakness of the minister for tertiary education and the failure to deal with the university campuses, but we also have these large demonstrations and the diversion of massive police resources. We have got a youth crime crisis on one side and police being diverted in their thousands to deal with the matters around Gazan protests. So I call on the Premier to start organising a whole-of-government response with clear communications that say enough is enough. This is not acceptable, and we need to respond with a whole-of-government response.