Thursday, 15 August 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Bushfire preparedness

Melina BATH, Jaclyn SYMES

Bushfire preparedness

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:21): (625) My question is to the Minister for Emergency Services. In 2023 your government announced a strategic firebreak program to protect our vulnerable communities. With another summer approaching, can you advise why these firebreaks to protect human life have not been completed, and in most cases not even started?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:21): Whilst I welcome any question in relation to fire preparedness in my role as Minister for Emergency Services, the specifics of what Ms Bath is seeking would ordinarily fall more within the remit of DEECA and the Minister for Environment. Of course CFA volunteers are regularly engaged to do back-burning and firebreak-type activities, but what Ms Bath is referring to would more appropriately fit within the remit of the Minister for Environment. But, as always, these are such matters that can be discussed at our summer preparedness briefings that we provide to all members of Parliament, so any specifics like that that Ms Bath would like addressed at that briefing, which is normally in around October, we can certainly factor that in, and if there is any advanced information that she requires, I am more than happy to take it on notice in my capacity as acting for the Minister for Environment to get her a full picture of those types of activities.

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:23): I thank the minister. I understand that you can have a briefing in October; however, actual bushfire mitigation and firebreaks need to happen prior to the start of the fire season. It is too late by October. The reason is that they are not being done. One of the firebreaks on Sydenham Inlet Road, which is the only road in and out of Bemm River – the community is calling for this firebreak to be installed before summer and is concerned that the lack of fuel reduction burning is also putting this community at highly vulnerable risk. The CFA at Bemm River often conduct these sorts of fuel burns and provide cover. Can the minister assure us that this community will be protected by engaging all of those activities – CFA fuel reduction and firebreak programs – before the start of summer to protect human life at Bemm River?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:24): Ms Bath, it is squarely the responsibility of the Minister for Environment, that question. If you would like me to direct it to him to provide you an answer, I can do that. It is my advice that those representations that you have made on behalf of members of your community have already been made directly by those members of the community to the appropriate minister and his department.