Thursday, 15 August 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

Samantha RATNAM

Northern Metropolitan Region

Samantha RATNAM (Northern Metropolitan) (12:54): (1040) My constituency question is to the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. The Broadmeadows community have raised the ongoing neglect of safety and infrastructure around Broadmeadows train station for many years now. This station precinct is used by thousands of locals, including elderly people and students, who witness incidents on a daily basis. The station is relied on heavily by the community to get to work, school, university and services; however, the Labor government has failed to keep its commitment to redevelop the train station precinct to meet the community’s needs. A redeveloped station would help meet the needs of the growing size of the community and their safety and security, especially for women using the station and its underground section after dark and people using wheelchairs, prams and mobility aids, who currently do not have any easy way to access the platforms. I understand that the station is being considered to become a transport superhub but not until 2056. Minister, this timeline completely ignores the pleas of the Broadmeadows community and Hume City Council to redevelop the station as a matter of priority. My question, Minister, is: will the Labor government commit to redeveloping Broadmeadows train station so that it is functional and safe as a matter of priority within the next two years?