Thursday, 15 August 2024

Constituency questions

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

David LIMBRICK (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:58): (1044) My question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. Over the past few months there has been a string of traffic incidents along Thompsons Road in South-East Metro. At the intersection of Lonsdale Crescent in Cranbourne a streetlight was knocked over by a speeding vehicle which launched over the wrong side of the road and into a fence. The traffic island is still littered with debris from the streetlight and car. Another scene occurred at the Western Port Highway intersection in Lyndhurst, where a road sign was knocked over and the traffic barrier was damaged. Debris and bunting continue to litter this scene. Both locations have seen this refuse blow onto the road during extreme weather, causing more safety concerns for motorists. Minister, when will the government clean up these traffic hazards?