Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee
Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee
Alert Digest No. 9
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (12:08): I have the honour to present to the house a report from the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, being Alert Digest No. 9 of 2023, on the following bills:
Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Ending Political Corruption) Bill 2023
together with appendices.
Ordered to be published.
Annual Review 2021 and 2022: Statutory Rules and Legislative Instruments
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (12:09): I have the honour to present to the house a report from the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, being the Annual Review 2021 and 2022, Statutory Rules and Legislative Amendments, together with appendices.
Ordered to be published.