Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Donnybrook Road
Donnybrook Road
Lauren KATHAGE (Yan Yean) (19:07): (284) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, and the action I seek is for her to direct Major Roads Projects Victoria to provide me with an update on construction of a slip lane to ease traffic congestion on Donnybrook Road. Anybody who uses Donnybrook Road at peak times knows what a difference this project is going to make for the people of Donnybrook and Kalkallo. It is going to make traffic flow more smoothly and help us get where we need to go. I thank the member for Kalkallo for her tireless work on this issue, and I look forward to a briefing on when this project will be delivered. I know the people of Donnybrook would like to know when the first shovel will hit the ground.