Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Constituency questions
Glen Waverley electorate
Glen Waverley electorate
John MULLAHY (Glen Waverley) (14:44): (267) My question is for the Minister for Police. How are police keeping the Glen Waverley community safe? Last month I visited the Glen Waverley police station on Ferntree Gully Road, where I met with Acting Inspector Ronelle Quin, the Monash police service area’s local area commander, as well as other officers who work across our community. The officers at Glen Waverley police station are doing an excellent job serving our community, which I am sure is something that the Glen Waverley and Wheelers Hill residents appreciate. I also recently visited the Forest Hill police station on Springvale Road to meet with Inspector Lisa Gilham, the Whitehorse local area commander, and hear about the great work that the police at Forest Hill do to serve our communities of Blackburn South, Burwood East, Forest Hill, Vermont and Vermont South in my electorate, as well as the broader Whitehorse area. I also got to talk to Superintendent Matthew Baynes, who oversees the eastern region division 1, which covers the local government areas of Whitehorse, Monash, Boroondara and Manningham. I would like to thank all the dedicated, selfless and professional police, all of whom are trained up at the police academy in Glen Waverley, and thank them for looking after our community 24/7.