Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Members statements
Government performance
Government performance
Kim WELLS (Rowville) (13:10): I rise to condemn the Premier and his Treasurer and their Labor government for their inability to manage Victoria’s finances. Not only has this government created a crippling $171 billion debt for Victorians by 2026 but Labor will add a further $125 billion from its already over-budget Suburban Rail Loop. The Commonwealth Games is but another botched event by Labor. Failing to properly do the costings, Labor have added an extra billion dollars Victorians have to pay for an event they will not even be able to watch or participate in. Labor members might fail to understand how debt actually works, considering how much of it they have accrued. To simplify it for those opposite, this debt has amassed $22 million in interest repayments a day. That is $154 million a week that could be going to improve health care, education and the condition of our roads. Instead it is going towards paying for Labor’s mistakes. It is clear when Labor mismanages money, Victorians all pay and Victoria runs out of money. When Labor runs out of money, they come after yours.