Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Point Cook Coastal Park
Point Cook Coastal Park
Mathew HILAKARI (Point Cook) (19:11): (286) The matter that I raise is for the Minister for Environment in the other place, and the action that I seek is for the minister to provide an update on the works at Point Cook Coastal Park. As everyone in this room should know, Point Cook Coastal Park is a massive community asset for the people of Point Cook and beyond in the south-west and western suburbs of Melbourne. It is situated on Port Phillip Bay, and in fact the second to last time that I was there I enjoyed watching dolphins swimming across the bay as we launched the Coastcare activity that is going on there. The Victorian Labor government has so proudly announced $10,000 to support that Coastcare organisation in funding 1000 tube stocks. The last time that I was there was on a beautiful winter’s day. I did not see the dolphins, but I did see the construction work going on at Point Cook Coastal Park. New play equipment and new toilets are on the way, and I am so excited that this will be so well utilised over the summer. I look forward very much to the minister providing her update soon.