Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Anthony CARBINES (Ivanhoe – Minister for Police, Minister for Crime Prevention, Minister for Racing) (19:22): In responding to adjournment items from members: the member for Eildon raised a matter for the Minister for Education. The action she sought was that the minister invest in Panton Hill Primary School and the infrastructure items that the member outlined.
The member for Greenvale raised a matter for the Minister for Veterans, and the action he sought was that she join him and the Kolbe school community to advise on the Spirit of Anzac Prize and of course reflect on the legacy of our veterans.
The member – in fact not only a member but the Leader of the Nationals – for Murray Plains raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. He did touch on the fact that we should all ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ – not that the member for Murray Plains is doing a lot of walking just at the moment. But I do take the time to acknowledge his trekking of Kokoda, which I can also claim to have done. It is a great experience, a great achievement and a great acknowledgement of those who have gone before us in far more difficult circumstances. It is a great chance to reflect on that. He did seek from the minister for roads that she visit the electorate and review the roads and road infrastructure that he outlined in his contribution.
The member for Yan Yean raised a matter for the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure to seek action to direct Major Road Projects Victoria to provide an update on the slip lane to ease congestion on Donnybrook Road, a very significant route for locals in her Yan Yean electorate.
The member for Sandringham raised a matter for the Minister for Public Transport, and the action that he sought was an urgent plan for the 825 bus route, particularly in relation to increasing capacity and the work that is happening there near Beaumaris Secondary College, who did provide some great content for his adjournment debate, and their engagement is very much welcomed by the house.
The member for Point Cook raised a matter for the Minister for Environment, and the action that he sought was an update on works at the Point Cook Coastal Park.
The member for Narracan raised a matter for the Premier, and the Deputy Speaker has alluded to the fact that those matters will be passed on for consideration by the Speaker. But in outline, the member for Narracan asked that the Premier request of his colleagues in the cabinet, the ministers, to increase their engagement around adjournment responses to issues raised by members, and that will be passed on to the Premier.
The member for Eltham raised a matter for the Minister for Education regarding visits to Eltham East and the 60th anniversary of the school, and of course the member for Eltham, as she always is at her local schools, was there at the school assembly. The school opened in 1963, an auspicious year for those of us who follow the Geelong Football Club.
The member for Ovens Valley raised a matter for the Minister for Agriculture in the other place and sought the reinstatement of controls in the removal of wild dogs in the community. Of course we all know and understand the heartbreak for farmers in particular who have to deal with the emotional, financial and animal welfare costs of the damage that wild dogs do in regional Victoria – a very serious matter.
The member for Pascoe Vale raised a matter for the Minister for Housing seeking the latest update on the $86 million Harvest Square development, which he has engaged with with Homes Victoria and Women’s Housing Limited, in Brunswick West in his electorate. The member for Pascoe Vale is of course a very strong advocate for housing and the big build – the $5.3 billion investment of capital infrastructure to provide more homes for Victorians. I was with the member for Pascoe Vale at the ALP state conference where the Prime Minister announced a $500 million contribution to public housing and social housing infrastructure for our state, and I am sure there will be an element of that heading to the electorate of Pascoe Vale with his advocacy, particularly around the Harvest Square development. I will conclude on that note.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The house stands adjourned until tomorrow morning.
House adjourned 7:26 pm.