Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Constituency questions

Sunbury electorate

Sunbury electorate

Josh BULL (Sunbury) (14:40): (263) My question is to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. What is the latest information on construction time lines for this government’s commitment to make the Sunbury line level crossing free? This government committed to remove 110 dangerous and congested level crossings by 2030, making the Cranbourne, Frankston, Lilydale, Pakenham, Sunbury and Werribee lines level crossing free. We know that the removal of level crossings slashes travel times for commuters and creates safer spaces within local communities. We were proud to deliver the removal of the Gap Road level crossing in my community last year. I take this opportunity to extend my thanks to the project team and all of those who worked around the clock in the coldest months of winter last year to get on and get rid of this dangerous and congested level crossing. We will all be thanking all of the team within the Level Crossing Removal Project and the construction teams that work so incredibly hard to make our local community safer, to reduce congestion and remove level crossings. Again I take the opportunity to ask the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure for the latest information on the time lines for making the Sunbury line level crossing free.