Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Constituency questions

Caulfield electorate


Constituency questions

Caulfield electorate

David SOUTHWICK (Caulfield) (14:37): (260) My question is to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, in a rush to open Glen Huntly station, has failed to look after, in terms of access, those with a disability and the elderly. Currently there is no lift operational for the Glen Huntly station. The stairs are very steep, and I have been notified by a number of constituents that the government has failed when it comes to disability access and has failed the elderly who cannot actually get up and down those stairs. It is appalling that the government would do this. This should be a station that is accessible for all, not just for those that can use the stairs. So I ask the minister to update the house as to how those people with a disability and those who are elderly are able to use Glen Huntly station at the moment.