Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Constituency questions
Broadmeadows electorate
Broadmeadows electorate
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (14:42): (265) My constituency question is for the Minister for Veterans, and my question is: how many service men and women have signed up for the new veterans card in my electorate? It was great to catch up with Minister Suleyman at the Fawkner RSL on the weekend and talk about the benefits of the veterans card with the dedicated Michael Brennan, president of the club. Michael volunteers so much of his time, along with other community members, to make sure local veterans are supported. We enjoyed hearing about renovation plans and how the $37,000 veterans capital works grant to install solar panels will reduce their running costs. Importantly, it was really moving to talk to Michael about the struggles his comrades face and exactly why the veterans card is so important. It will not just give a $100 discount on rego and free recreation opportunities; it shows how much we value the sacrifices of our service men and women and is an important way for government to ensure they have the information about services and assistance they can access.