Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Members statements
Ashwood electorate sports clubs
Ashwood electorate sports clubs
Matt FREGON (Ashwood) (12:56): I rise to do a quick update on all things sport in the Ashwood district, and it seems only fitting to start with a game that quite literally stopped the nation on Saturday night, with our good old Tillies keeping the finals dream alive and at the same time making history as Australia’s first-ever semifinalists in a FIFA World Cup. But let us not forget our wonderful netballers, and let us congratulate the Diamonds who, for the 12th time, I might add, have won the Netball World Cup.
It is not just elite sport where our athletes are shining though, as we know community sport and local clubs play a pivotal role in shaping tomorrows sporting greats. The Eastern Lions Soccer Club is one of these clubs, and I was lucky enough a couple of weeks ago to be with them to celebrate their 60th anniversary, which is an amazing achievement and such a huge milestone. This club is an integral part of our local community and has been for 60 years. I extend a huge thankyou and congratulations to president Ange Stamatelos and vice-president Norm Wilcox for organising such a great night and to all of the Eastern Lions community on such an important milestone.
I also popped down, over in the Glen Waverley area, to see my constituents playing with the East Burwood Rams. Thanks to Libby Hadjiloukas and vice-presidents Peter Storey and Matt Scarffe who invited me down there. I am going to run out of time. Maybe I will do a second half next week when we are back – but a shout-out to the Waverley Blues under-13s.