Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: energy policy
Ministers statements: energy policy
Daniel ANDREWS (Mulgrave – Premier) (14:05): I would say normally I am delighted to stand up to give a ministers statement, but this is of concern to all Victorians. As we enter the final stages of winter, everyone – every household and business – knows that their gas bills are coming very soon, and they are quite fearful, I think, of just how big those gas bills will finish up being. Now, apparently –
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order!
Daniel Andrews: Well, apparently, there are some in the community who are not so fearful of gas bills. They are under the illusion – and illusion is the kind term – that gas is in fact cheaper than electricity. Some people believe that, instead of taking national leadership positions to make sure that new homes that require planning permits, for instance, are not hooked up to the most expensive form of energy, we should instead hook those homes up to the cheaper form of energy – that is, renewable electricity. That is what we should do. Some, however, even when confronted with –
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, the Premier’s statement relates to connections of houses to gas, and I would say to the house that the Premier is entirely not relevant.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! The Manager of Opposition Business knows that props are not allowed in the house, and I would ask him to leave the chamber for half an hour. There is no point of order.
Member for Brighton withdrew from chamber.
Daniel ANDREWS: It is not often the Manager of Opposition Business gets booted from the chamber, so let us just pause and soak that one up. I would invite you around for dinner, but frankly, no. If there is anyone that should not be lecturing people about cooking with gas, it is this mob, this Toyota Tarago outfit over here.
Members interjecting.
Daniel ANDREWS: Keep yapping – we know where the gas is coming from. I am not sure if it is natural, but that is where the gas is coming from.
The SPEAKER: Premier! Order! Through the Chair.
Daniel ANDREWS: Electricity is cheaper than gas, and this government knows it, and we will make sure that we do everything we can to have more renewable electricity into homes and to make sure that we support households across the states to make the energy transition, despite all of your yapping – yap, yap, yap, yap.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! The house will come to order. I will not call the member for Malvern until the house has come to order. I would appreciate if members at the table could show some respect to the Chair.
I acknowledge a former minister André Haermeyer in the gallery today.