Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Members statements

Geelong Green Spine project

Geelong Green Spine project

Chris COUZENS (Geelong) (13:02): Geelong’s inner city is coming to life, with work underway on the next section of the Green Spine project. The Green Spine initiative is part of the Revitalising Central Geelong Action Plan, which is being delivered with the support of the $500 million Geelong City Deal. The Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation is an integral part of the team delivering the project, ensuring this new public space incorporates cultural heritage features. It will feature native plants, seats, outdoor dining spaces and public art and connect the Geelong station precinct to Johnstone Park and Eastern Park through six blocks along Malop Street. Once complete, the botanic walk and bike lane will be extended and complemented by native planting, better lighting and rehabilitation works off the road.