Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Constituency questions
South-West Coast electorate
South-West Coast electorate
Roma BRITNELL (South-West Coast) (14:45): (268) My question is for the Minister for Public Transport. A parliamentary inquiry into regional school buses from 600 days ago recommended the Andrews Labor government commit to installing CCTV on all new school buses. The findings were crystal clear: CCTV on buses acts as an important tool for preventing antisocial behaviour whilst ensuring the safety of our bus drivers and children. We now know the government is ignoring their own committee’s recommendations. Children in South-West Coast often travel much longer distances to get to school. I have been in contact with a constituent from Nullawarre whose daughter was badly injured in a bus crash and who has been tirelessly working for increased safety on our regional buses, but it is clearly not a high priority of this government. Minister, I believe the safety of school students across Victoria is priceless. Considering the minimal costs reported for this to be implemented, it is a disgrace. Can the minister explain to my constituents why she refuses to commit to the committee’s recommendations?