Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: health infrastructure

Ministers statements: health infrastructure

Melissa HORNE (Williamstown – Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Health Infrastructure) (14:34): I rise today to update the house on the government’s record investment in health infrastructure for all Victorians. The Allan Labor government is building $15 billion worth of world-class health infrastructure, delivering new hospitals and upgrades right across the state.

It has been great to be on the road these last few weeks visiting some of these amazing builds, like the new Footscray Hospital, transforming health care for the people of the inner west. The member for Footscray has been a tireless advocate for this project, which will add 200 new beds, treat an additional 15,000 patients and enable an extra 20,000 people to access emergency care every year.

Just last week I was out with the member for Melton at the site of the new Melton Hospital. Excavation will soon start to deliver a brand new hospital to treat 130,000 patients every single year. Another vital project for the outer west is the expansion of the Werribee Mercy Hospital’s emergency department. I know the member for Point Cook and our amazing candidate for Werribee John Lister are thrilled that this is being developed and will treat an additional 25,000 patients every single year. We are meeting the needs of Victorians with investments in the Northern Hospital, a project that has the support of the members for Thomastown, Mill Park and Yan Yean. In the south-east we are redeveloping Frankston Hospital, which will massively improve health care for the member for Frankston’s community. It is a shame he is not here.

But our projects do not stop at the metropolitan border. We are making massive investments in our regions. The member for Ripon can tell you just how good the Maryborough and District Hospital is looking, and the member for Murray Plains – I know he is here – and the member for South-West Coast – unfortunately she is not – will be pleased to know that the Swan Hill emergency department and the Warrnambool Base Hospital are getting massive upgrades. It does not matter where you live, because unlike those opposite, who sell off and shut down hospitals – (Time expired)