Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Bail laws
Bail laws
Brad BATTIN (Berwick – Leader of the Opposition) (14:17): My question is to the Premier. When will the government change the bail laws?
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: The member for Frankston can leave the chamber for an hour.
Member for Frankston withdrew from chamber.
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:18): As I have already outlined to the house today, we understand that there is a need to do more, and we will do more, which is why I have asked the Attorney and the police minister to do that work.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: The member for South-West Coast can leave the chamber for an hour.
Member for South-West Coast withdrew from chamber.
Jacinta ALLAN: I remind the house that it builds on the work we did last year that the Liberal Party opposed, and we will do the work –
Danny O’Brien: On a point of order, Speaker, on the question of relevance, this is very straightforward: when will the bail laws be changed? The Premier has not gone near it yet.
The SPEAKER: The Premier is being relevant to the question that was asked. I cannot direct the Premier how to answer the question. The Premier has concluded her answer.
Brad BATTIN (Berwick – Leader of the Opposition) (14:18): How long will the bail review process take?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:19): Again I remind the Leader of the Opposition of the changes that we made in the Parliament last year – changes that were opposed – changes like the rollout of electronic monitoring, introducing a new serious offence and strengthening the bail test. But of course –
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, I realise the Premier was only a couple of seconds in, but the question was very narrow. It was only eight words long. On relevance, please bring the Premier back to answering that very narrow question.
The SPEAKER: The Premier was being relevant. I cannot direct the Premier how to answer the question.
Jacinta ALLAN: My point is this: we have already made changes that are making a difference. It is clear that we need to do more, and we will.