Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: housing
Ministers statements: housing
Sonya KILKENNY (Carrum – Attorney-General, Minister for Planning) (14:13): I rise today to provide an update on the Allan Labor government’s work to build more homes for Victorians. The most recent ABS data shows that Victoria continues to build more homes than any other state.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Polwarth can leave the chamber for half an hour.
Member for Polwarth withdrew from chamber.
Sonya KILKENNY: In the last 12 months Victoria leads, building 15,600 more homes than New South Wales and 28,500 more homes than Queensland. Others might have spent their summers plotting and scheming to get a new job, although I say: new leader, same old Libs.
Sarah Connolly interjected.
The SPEAKER: The member for Laverton can leave the chamber for an hour.
Member for Laverton withdrew from chamber.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, former Speaker Brooks in Rulings from the Chair said that ministers statements are not an opportunity to attack the opposition.
Mary-Anne Thomas: Speaker, there is no point of order. It is absolutely necessary that the minister on her feet be given the opportunity to compare and contrast what the Allan Labor government is delivering with what those on the other side would do should they be elected to government.
The SPEAKER: Leader of the House and Manager of Opposition Business, I ask you to be succinct with your points of order. It is okay to compare and contrast previous administrations. The Minister for Planning was not attacking the opposition as such, but I do ask the Minister for Planning to keep to her ministers statement.
Sonya KILKENNY: Over the summer we were focused on building more homes for Victorians. We made it easier to build more homes on smaller parcels of land in the outer suburbs of Melbourne and regional cities through changes to the Small Lot Housing Code. We opened applications for the latest round of growth areas infrastructure contribution – $150 million for crucial transport projects in Melbourne’s outer suburbs. We have continued to say yes to more homes: yes to 243 new homes in South Melbourne, right near the new Anzac station, which will open with the Metro Tunnel later this year; yes to 74 new homes in Ballarat within a short walk to the station; and yes to 46 more social homes in Mildura.
There is so much more to come: more homes near train and tram stops, delivering our 10-year plan for family homes with backyards in the suburbs, kickstarting the townhouse revolution with changes to make it easier to subdivide or to build two homes on your block and a fairer system that will see developers contributing to funding local infrastructure, parks and services – all that and so much more. But it remains to be seen: will we see the same old things from the opposition, blocking and locking Victorians out of homes?
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: I remind members at the table on both sides that you are not immune from being ejected from the chamber.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, personal reflections are disorderly.
The SPEAKER: I remind the minister that personal reflections are disorderly and not to reflect on members in the chamber.
Sonya KILKENNY: More homes means more opportunities for Victorians, and that is what we are delivering.