Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Members statements
Australia Day
Australia Day
Kim WELLS (Rowville) (15:57): It finally seems the tide is turning for Australia Day all over Victoria. We have seen everyone getting behind our national day of pride, and nowhere could it be stronger than in Knox. I started the morning by welcoming over 200 new Australian citizens at the Knox City Council with mayor Lisa Cooper and Liberal candidate for Aston Manny Cicchiello, with another two ceremonies of over 200 new citizens later that day. Manny and I also joined in the Australia Day celebrations at Waterford Park, where every single person had an Australian flag and was waving it with pride, before wrapping up the day with a very proud community of Australians at the fantastic Quarry Reserve for a picnic. Without a doubt everyone I spoke to on Australia Day was proud to celebrate being Australian. I would also like to say a special thankyou to the Scoresby residents who put up Australian flags all along Scoresby Village. I am also looking forward to the return of the Knox council Australia Day awards next year.