Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Members statements
Country Fire Authority Coldstream brigade
Country Fire Authority Coldstream brigade
Bridget VALLENCE (Evelyn) (15:48): On Australia Day the Coldstream CFA fire brigade gathered for a very special ceremony to recognise a number of their exceptional volunteer firefighters. The brigade paid tribute to Robert Bethell for his incredible service to our local community. Robert has served as a volunteer firefighter for 63 years, with 23 years of those as captain of the Coldstream CFA brigade. During these six decades Robert was involved in the Lilydale fire brigade’s group, the Melba group, the Maroondah group and district 13. Robert was instrumental in founding the Coldstream fire station, which has served our community so well. Robert is a highly decorated firefighter, having been awarded the National Medal, the National Emergency Medal and the CFA Outstanding Service Medal, so it was an absolute privilege to unveil the naming of the Coldstream brigade’s pumper truck the Robert B Bethell on Australia Day. How his wife and brigade member Yvonne and his son and current brigade captain Sean kept this secret from Robert we will never know, but it was fabulous to surprise Robert with this special honour, unveiling the naming of the truck with my federal colleague Aaron Violi.
Also in the ceremony the brigade honoured its former member the late David McClellan, who sadly passed away last year, by bestowing David with life membership. It was lovely to see David’s wife Debbie attend and receive this award recognising David’s exemplary service as a firefighter. David was also awarded the National Emergency Medal along with firefighter Steve Kelso for their efforts in the 2019–20 bushfires, and Julie Asquith was awarded the National Medal for her services to the Coldstream fire brigade.