Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: public transport
Ministers statements: public transport
Gabrielle WILLIAMS (Dandenong – Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Public and Active Transport) (14:20): It is good to be back in this place. I am sure we are all feeling pretty excited about it. While some in this house have spent their summer focused on themselves, plotting against each other and maybe even mulling over which services they would like to cut –
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, the minister on her feet is clearly seeking to be disparaging to members on this side of the chamber. Under standing order 118, imputations are disorderly.
Mary-Anne Thomas: On the point of order, Speaker, just because the Manager of Opposition Business does not like the answer to a question or indeed a ministers statement, it does not mean that it is disorderly or against standing orders. I would ask that you counsel the Manager of Opposition Business about the frivolous use of points of order in this place.
The SPEAKER: It was not a frivolous point of order. However, the minister had not reflected on any particular member of the Parliament. The minister to continue, but be very mindful of not reflecting on members in the chamber.
Gabrielle WILLIAMS: The truth is that on this side of the house we have been very busy and very focused on delivering the transport services and infrastructure that Victorians deserve. To compare and contrast, Speaker, to use your words, the Labor government helped Victorians to get to their new year celebrations with free public transport and more than 600 extra services. Meanwhile, those opposite were screening each other’s calls. While they have been trying to work out how to explain the ongoing attendance of Nazis at their gatherings, this Labor government completed 35,000 –
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, imputations are disorderly.
Mary-Anne Thomas: Speaker, there is no point of order. The fact is that the minister on her feet was speaking nothing other than the truth in her ministers statement. I ask that you ask the Manager of Opposition Business again to use her points of order wisely.
Danny O’Brien: On the point of order, Speaker, you specifically directed the minister not to attack the opposition, which is exactly what she is doing.
The SPEAKER: The minister has not mentioned a particular member of Parliament. However, I ask the minister to be mindful that what she is saying in her ministers statement does not implicate members of this house.
Gabrielle WILLIAMS: In contrast, this Labor government completed 35,000 kilometres of train testing in the Metro Tunnel. With our Commonwealth partners, we announced over $300 million for the Werribee Main Road and Princes Freeway interchange upgrade and the Ballan Road intersection as well. Meanwhile, the only dollars they were chasing were from donors to pay for silks. While they were knifing leaders, we kicked off works on the Ballarat station upgrade, we put on an extra 4500 tram services to help people get to the tennis – Victoria’s biggest ever Australian Open – and we added 15 new school bus specials to help kids in Point Cook, Mount Atkinson, Clyde and many other growth areas get to school. While they have been busy blocking housing for millennials, this Labor government has delivered on our election commitment to connect Eynesbury to –
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, the minister is defying your ruling, and I again state former Speaker Brooks’s ruling that a ministers statement is not an opportunity to attack the opposition.
The SPEAKER: I uphold the point of order. The minister to continue without attacking the opposition.
Gabrielle WILLIAMS: We have delivered on our election commitment to connect Eynesbury and Weir Views to Melton station for the first time. The contrast could not be more stark. They spend every day looking inwards, and when it comes to policy they are looking in the rear-view mirror.