Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Rulings from the Chair
Constituency questions
Rulings from the Chair
Constituency questions
The SPEAKER (14:56): I have reviewed the constituency questions from 28 November 2024, which was our last sitting week before the break. The member for Polwarth asked the minister to tell the people of Polwarth and others about a particular matter, which is requesting an action. I therefore rule the member’s question out of order. The member for Lowan asked a broad policy question that was not linked sufficiently to her electorate or constituents. I therefore rule the member’s question out of order. The member for Greenvale asked the minister to advise him and the Greenvale community about a particular matter, which I will accept on this occasion, although I encourage members to be clear when asking constituency questions that they are seeking to receive an answer themselves rather than seeking for third parties to be answered.
I will take this opportunity to remind members of my rulings and those of previous speakers that constituency questions must relate to constituency issues and not encompass broader policy issues, which can be included in questions on notice, and that members asking constituency questions should ensure that it is clear how their question specifically relates to their constituency.
I also remind members that constituency questions must ask questions of ministers and not seek an action. Members should take care in phrasing their matters to ensure that their constituency questions seek information and do not instead ask a minister to do something.