Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Bellarine electorate schools
Bellarine electorate schools
Alison MARCHANT (Bellarine) (19:18): (978) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education. Recently it was announced that the federal government have come to a historic agreement with this Allan Labor government to provide an additional 5 per cent of the schooling resource standard for Victorian public schools. The action I seek is for the minister to provide an update on how this new investment will benefit students in state schools in my electorate of the Bellarine.
As a former primary school teacher, I know and can see how much this will mean for our schools and ultimately for our students. As the minister outlined in his ministers statement in question time, this extra funding is to help reforms that we have already implemented in Victoria, such as phonics checks and early numeracy checks. These are vital tools that teachers use in the early years to ensure that they can identify students who may need additional help. The minister also spoke about how this will support mental health professionals in schools, increase access to evidence-based professional learning and of course support our teachers.
This is a significant agreement for a strong Education State, and it is important to see schools funded to this level so each student can reach their full potential. I know we have rolled out a whole lot of other things in our schools, including the rollout of phonics in prep to grade 2 classes, our breakfast clubs, Glasses for Kids and dental vans in schools. We also have a new round of the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund, including the $400 school saving bonus. I am really looking forward to hearing from the minister his response and sharing with my electorate how this new investment will benefit the electorate of the Bellarine.