Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Members statements

South Sudanese Australian Graduates Association

South Sudanese Australian Graduates Association

Gary MAAS (Narre Warren South) (15:49): I recently joined the South Sudanese Australian Graduates Association to celebrate local South Sudanese young people who recently finished year 6 and year 12 in 2024. It was a real privilege to join very proud families, friends and community leaders who wished to acknowledge and indeed celebrate the efforts of so many young people who had completed a milestone in their education. I was proud to present the awards alongside newly elected City of Casey councillor Jennifer Dizon, and I appreciated the opportunity to speak with the students about their future aspirations. The South Sudanese Australian Graduates Association in Melbourne and the South Sudanese – Australian Academic Society are led by Andrew Gai, who ensures that students from this community are supported in their education and future endeavours. With a vibrant South Sudanese community in my electorate of Narre Warren South, groups such as these foster a sense of belonging and support by helping young people and their families to navigate and overcome several challenges at school, in the workforce and at home as well. We know that education is the key to opportunity, and community groups such as the society play a crucial role in addressing the barriers that these students face. They have homework clubs and basketball clubs, they increase school engagement and they really do have some very positive outcomes. I thank Andrew Gai for inviting me and all who made the event such as success. Congratulations to everyone.