Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Constituency questions
Rowville electorate
Rowville electorate
Kim WELLS (Rowville) (14:54): (958) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. When will the Allan Labor government take action to provide long-term solutions for the roads in Knox, which have led to accidents and deaths? More than a year ago we had a fatality on Wellington Road in Rowville just outside Wellington Village. My office was flooded with angry residents demanding more action on the condition of our roads. I wrote to the minister and raised the matter in the chamber, requesting dropping the speed limit from 80 to 60 kilometres, signs telling trucks to travel in the left lane, a speed camera with appropriate signage warning motorists, more police patrols and a major upgrade to Wellington Road. To date nothing has happened, as usual. This is in comparison to the Liberal candidate for Aston Manny Cicchiello, who is campaigning for an upgrade to Wellington Road in the upcoming federal election.