Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Constituency questions

Nepean electorate

Constituency questions

Nepean electorate

Sam GROTH (Nepean) (14:46): (950) My question is for the Premier, and I just want to address the growing crime on the Mornington Peninsula. Residents are reporting to me a significant uptick in theft, vandalism, car theft and antisocial behaviour, and many people in Nepean are feeling unsafe in their own homes. I had one resident come to me recently. He has a lawnmowing business. He was out mowing a neighbour’s lawn; she is an older lady and he does it for free for her. He turned around and saw his car being stolen. When he went to approach the car and find out who was in there, he was hit from behind with a metal bar across the head. Absolutely nothing has been done to try to make sure the offenders are taken care of and brought to justice. This is an issue that is vitally important to my community so they can feel safe in their homes, so my question is: will the Premier admit she was wrong to weaken the state’s bail laws that have the Nepean community feeling at greater risk of crime?