Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Nick STAIKOS (Bentleigh – Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Local Government) (19:24): It gives me great pleasure to respond to my friend the member for Footscray’s adjournment request. The first thing I wish to say is that, as it happens, coincidentally I am going to be in your patch on Sunday, member for Footscray, because I will be attending the official opening of the Maribyrnong civic precinct and community hub, which was made possible by a $10 million low-interest loan from our government. I was very pleased to accept the kind invitation from Cr Pradeep Tiwari, the mayor of Maribyrnong.
While I am in your neck of the woods, member for Footscray – through the Chair of course – on Sunday I would be delighted to visit Nicholson Street Mall with you. I know that the Footscray electorate has benefited significantly from your work as the local member. You mentioned Footscray Hospital. That is just one of many projects that you are responsible for in your community, member for Footscray.
I can only look at my own community. I note the Minister for Small Business and Employment is at the table tonight, and I think she would back me up in saying that local traders associations do very, very good work. I certainly look at the Bentleigh Traders Association and the work they do for their members and the invaluable work they did through the COVID pandemic as well for their members. But I also look at the relationship that the Bentleigh Traders Association in my community has with the Glen Eira council. They have something called the special rate levy, which is allowable under the Local Government Act 2020, which has really enhanced the great work that the Bentleigh Traders Association do. I am looking forward to joining you, member for Footscray, at Nicholson Street Mall and perhaps even meeting with some traders, maybe even meeting with the traders association, to talk about what we could possibly do together to enhance and revitalise that wonderful part of your electorate.
Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business and Employment, Minister for Youth) (19:26): The member for Croydon raised a matter for the attention of the Premier, and the action the member seeks is that the Premier write to the federal government raising the issues in relation to ARB, in particular skilled migration matters. The member for Laverton raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, and the action the member seeks is for the minister to join the member at Laverton, in particular at the Indonesian Muslim Community of Victoria Baitul Ma’mur mosque at an upcoming event. The member for Shepparton raised a matter for the Minister for Public and Active Transport, and the action the member seeks is for the minister to fund a bus service review in Shepparton. The member for Narre Warren South raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Creative Industries, and the action the member seeks is for the minister to advise on how the Creative Projects Fund is supporting local artists in the Narre Warren South electorate.
The member for South-West Coast raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Environment, and the action the member seeks is for the minister to visit the south-west region. The member for Clarinda raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action the member seeks is for the minister to provide an update on the speed limit signs at Centre Road in Oakleigh South. The member for Polwarth raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Housing and Building in the other place, and the action the member seeks is a visit from the minister to the Colac region to meet with Barwon South West housing. The member for Bellarine raised a matter for the Minister for Education, and the action the member seeks is for an update from the minister on how the historic agreement between the Albanese and Allan Labor governments for Victoria’s public schools will be delivered for schools in the Bellarine region. The member for Narracan raised a matter for the attention of the Treasurer, and the action the member seeks is that the Treasurer revise the land tax evaluation process. The member for Footscray had a question for the Minister for Local Government, and that question was answered with the local government minister being present at the table.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The house stands adjourned until tomorrow morning.
House adjourned 7:29 pm.