Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Constituency questions
Kew electorate
Kew electorate
Jess WILSON (Kew) (14:50): (954) My question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. Why won’t the minister listen to the feedback of the community regarding the North East Link Program? Last week I co-hosted a forum with the member for Menzies and the member for Bulleen to hear feedback from hundreds of residents about the impact on their homes and lives from the construction of the North East Link. It was very disappointing that not a single representative from the North East Link Program could make themselves available to hear from the community directly affected and answer their questions. Many issues were raised at the forum, including excessive noise, dust, pollutants, removal of greenery, graffiti and rubbish, traffic congestion and disruptions to public transport. However, the key issue that was strongly and clearly conveyed is that residents are frustrated by their interactions with the North East Link Program – an arrogant, out-of-touch authority that is emblematic of this tired government. My team is compiling and collating all the concerns of the local residents and will provide an overview to the minister and the authority, but the question to the minister is: why aren’t you listening?