Thursday, 18 April 2024


Heathcote secondary school


Heathcote secondary school

Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) presented a petition bearing 313 signatures:

The petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the need for a secondary school in the town of Heathcote. With two primary schools in the town, the town sees seven bus loads of secondary school children depart Heathcote every morning, for trips between 45 minutes to one hour each way. Most children on these buses are now required to leave home by 7.30 am and will not get home until after 4.30 pm. With a secondary school in Heathcote, the children would save over two hours a day in travel. Growth in the family aged demographic would increase even further if travel to a secondary school was not as demanding as what the children are currently required to do. With the current housing crisis in major cities, growth in rural towns is important to ease the housing burden.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to conduct a feasibility study on building a state run secondary school in Heathcote and, should it be feasible, begin the process of having a secondary school built.