Thursday, 18 April 2024

Members statements

Bill Greenfield

Bill Greenfield

Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (10:24): Today I want to talk about a friend of mine who died recently. If he was still with us, he would beat me senseless for bringing his name up. He was a very low-key individual. But Bill Greenfield died a few weeks ago of cancer. We knew he was sick, but we did not realise how sick. I first met Bill 15 years ago. He was my wife’s work husband. How should I put it? Initially I was a little bit unsure about how to take this, but then I met Bill and I have never met a more gentle, well-natured giant of a person. I am not a small person myself, but he eclipsed me. I could not believe what a nice person he was. My condolences go to Sharon and the boys. Bill will be missed. Vale, Bill Greenfield.