Thursday, 18 April 2024

Members statements

Western Victoria Region multicultural communities

Western Victoria Region multicultural communities

Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (10:27): I would like to recognise a number of multicultural Victorians, particularly the Indian community around my patch in the Melton area. I recently attended Holi celebrations over the Easter weekend. I was there with my colleague Trung Luu and also the member for Melton. I have got to say that the celebrations were absolutely fantastic – full of colour. I will know to never, ever, ever, ever again wear a white T-shirt, although I did bring a change of clothes times three. But it was really a wonderful celebration of all that Hinduism has to offer.

I will say too that the Hindu community, particularly around the Melton area, are looking to have culturally appropriate burial ceremonies, and that would include a crematorium that is well needed. That crematorium would also be envisaged to be used by other cultures, such as Sikhs or Buddhists.

I want to congratulate Sri Durga Temple committee president Mr Joshi along with the entire committee and the community for the outstanding event they ran. It was an amazing celebration, and I pay tribute to them, as a humble person who went there and enjoyed the celebrations.