Thursday, 18 April 2024

Members statements

Regional health services


Regional health services

Sarah MANSFIELD (Western Victoria) (10:29): It is so refreshing to be out in the regions here in Echuca. I really thank the community for their warm welcome. While this is an opportunity to listen to and learn from the community and hear about their needs, I think it is really important that this attention persists beyond a singular sitting day. For me, this is especially important when it comes to regional health. I want to acknowledge the work that has been done by local health providers in town, like Echuca Regional Health and the community nurses, GPs, allied health workers, aged care workers, optometrists, dentists and psychologists. I see your commitment and your care for this community, and I understand the challenges that you face in a constrained regional environment.

People living and working in regional communities have the same right to a healthy life as any other Victorian, but too often inequalities persist as a result of barriers such as cost, travel time and limited government investment, and this is borne out in poorer population health outcomes in things like physical, mental and dental health. Almost one-quarter of Victorians live in the regions, yet policies, politics and funding decisions do not always reflect that. Ending the postcode lottery that exists when it comes to accessing health care in regional Victoria is possible, but it requires the government to commit to making this a priority.