Thursday, 18 April 2024

Members statements

Aunty Kella Robinson and Aunty Hazel Atkinson

Aunty Kella Robinson and Aunty Hazel Atkinson

Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (10:35): My thanks to Uncle Rick for his welcome to country and for smoking us into our parliamentary proceedings today. This is the first opportunity to speak on Yorta Yorta country, and I want to put on record my thanks to the elders and ancestors of the lands of my mother’s birth; lands I have always felt a deep and spiritual connection to. But amongst the tragedies of the stolen generations my mum was removed from this beautiful country at only six weeks of age, so whilst it is really special to be here, this place is tinged with sadness. She was removed to be raised away from country, kin and culture. I grew up never thinking that I would be able to forge these connections, but last year my hopes were answered when I discovered not only that my grandmother is alive but she lives just up the road in Mooroopna. She is an elder of the Koori Court, a volunteer award winner, an artist and a celebrated author. Aunty Kella Robinson has opened her arms to our family, and I cannot wait to learn more about what it means to be a Wemba Wemba woman.

With that, can I also honour Aunty Hazel Atkinson for her recent elevation to the Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll. I cannot wait to see what our community does on the path to treaty.